Cast of Letters to Darcy

Here is the list of principal characters.  Those who have blogs and/or testimonies have hyperlinks.

Darcy is the subject of the book.  She had Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder, which ultimately took her life 15 days after birth.

Darcy's mother.  

Darcy's father.

Darcy's oldest sister.

Darcy's sister.  2nd oldest of the Ramos kids.  Took the first picture of Darcy page 76. 

Darcy's sister.  3rd oldest of the Ramos kids.

Darcy's grandmother.  "Lola" is a Filipino term for grandmother.

Woman from Heavenly Angels in Need (HAIN) who donated her time to make Darcy's bereavement gown from donated wedding dresses. (Pg. 21)

Tracy's online friend and confidant who coordinated prayer warriors, wrote poems, and prayed that God would take her life for Darcy's.

Woman responsible for Darcy's blog becomming Letters to Darcy.

Darcy's photographer who provided us with most of Darcy's photos. (Pg. 85)

Darcy's photographer who took photos during Darcy's birth. 

Tracy's "Secret Sis" who provided comfort and support.  Also wrote Darcy's song and sang it at the funeral.  (Pg. 35)

Church elder who, with his son Chris, gave up two night's sleep to care for Darcy. A former medical practitioner who came at a moment's notice to check on Darcy. (Pg. 84)

Dan's teenage son who came with his father to care for Darcy. (Pg. 84)

Dan's wife.  Also a former medical practitioner who also made herself available to check on Darcy. (Pg. 84)

Church elder who wrote the only letter I received from Darcy. (Pg. 131)

Mark's wife who was also a former medical practitioner. She spent the night to care for Darcy and made herself available at a moment's notice. (Pg. 97)

Family that came and spent two nights to care for Darcy.  Unfortunately, I inadvertently failed to mention their services in the book.  Donna also created the beautiful quilt seen in many of Darcy's photos.